So, just how was it? Elton was a pussy not to even say a BLOODY WORD to us! Not even HELLO SEATTLE! I mean, we rescheduled to see him. He was lame. I mean, it was OKAY, but was a freaking diva. He might as well call himself Barbara Streisand, Judy Garland, Cher, Madonna and the Queen of England. That was horrible. I mean, he said hello only to Billy Joel after he said hello to him first.
Billy Joel is awesome. That was my fifth BJ concert at least. He is very, very, very solid as an entertainer. He does and says the same thing every time ("Hello to everyone over in (points to the nosebleed seats) Spokane up there!") but they work! He also plays the same exact songs all the time, but THEY work as well. He is a fan of the if it's not broke, don't fix it mantra.
I thought a couple of Elton's songs were sleepers. Even the most hyper Elton fans (and you know there were some reallllllllly into Elton fans there) sat down through them. Now we had great seats BEHIND the stage. They rocked. BUT my SIL was somewhere else and she said that they were flashing rainbows and flamingos during some of Elton's songs....uh, hello! If you are flamboyant enough to have those flashing you can at least address your fans! I did like his Island Girl tux jacket....but he didn't sing it! Boo!
BJ is still rock and roll. Still hoofing it around the country and making us happy. Way to go BJ. I don't look to see them touring again. I think Elton needs to stand still and be propped up in Vegas on his diva throne. He didn't seem well to me. I think he is ill or something still. The last BJ EJ concert we went to EJ forgot his words at least three times and BJ had to pull him out by singing for him. They had a LARGE teleprompter with the words this time. So, overall , loved it. I don't know that I need to see Elton again, but I would if he came with BJ again.
My little brother was either tired or unimpressed or both because he fell asleep during a few of BJ's songs, but he definitely woke up later!
We stumbled our way to Chopstix afterward with my SIL and brother and two of their friends from Littlerock/Olympia (aka not city folk). They loved it so much. They thought Seattle was the coolest. We closed the place down. My brother got drunk and danced all night.
My SIL bought a chopstix shirt and posed with all the staff for photos and was excited that women were telling her she was hot. (She actually is pretty hot...doing that new incredo workout where you work out three hours a day). She also got angry because they wouldn't play a Meatloaf song for her, so she set out on a mission to get back at them by stealing all their golf pencils on the tables set out for writing down requests. I think she pocketed four of them. That will show them to play Meatloaf next time!
On our way back down 1st Avenue North I saw about three piles of puke. I am guessing that the Billy Joel/Elton John crowd no longer know how to handle their liquor?
Then we walked by DICKS burgers and her friend FREAKED out because it is in a SirMixAlot song so she wanted her photo taken by DICKS. After that, they went in and flirted with young, cute cops in line at Dicks and just had a blast. I drove them safely back to their hotel and left them to eat their first Dick's burgers...of course they love Seattle! It is the perfect way to end a night of drinking and dancing.
Ended the evening in bed, eating our Dicks burgers (Josh ate three and I ate half of one) watching Man vs. Food. By the way, Josh swears he could win every Man vs. Food competition. It is so annoying. He also thinks he could win a ton of reality game shows. But that is for another time.
So, yeah, I liked the concert. It felt like college, only with wrinkles!>
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